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Getting a Florida Liquor License: What you Should Know

Getting a Florida liquor license is a privilege that only some businesses owners can get. Those who want to buy Florida liquor license for sale should follow strict rules and regulations. Having this license is a must for businesses that want to sell, manufacturer, or distribute alcohol in Florida. But, these businesses differ in the license type they need to apply for. Also, they must know what they want to achieve with their business.

Kinds of Liquor License

Whether you want to sell wine, beer, or liquor in Florida, you must apply for a license from the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Bureau of Licensing. The license type will determine the license requirements.

Here are the different kinds of liquor licenses available in the state:

  • Consumption-on-Premise (COP) license. This license permits the sale and consumption of alcohol depending on the kind of alcoholic beverage and by the package. A business that wants to sell beer only should get a 1COP license. To sell beer and wine, a 2COP license should be obtained.
  • APS license. This also permits package sale consumption. It enables off-premise consumption. It is ideal for facilities such as gas stations, convenience stores, or supermarkets that want to sell beer and wine for off-premise consumption.

  • Special Restaurant licenses (SRX) license. This permits the consumption of beer, wine, and liquor on-premise. To qualify for an SRX license, an establishment should be a bona fide full-service restaurant. This license prohibits packaged sales of alcoholic beverages.
  • Quota license. Businesses that want to get a full-service alcohol license must apply for a quota license. This license is limited in number. Every county issues a certain number of quota licenses every year.

How to Buy your Liquor License

Buying a temporary liquor license is a great idea if you don’t want to spend time and money to own one. This will mean bypassing all the complicated processes involved in applying for a liquor license through the right government department. But, you must work with a trusted source to avoid wasting your time trying to find a broker. Keep in mind though that owning a liquor license comes with many responsibilities and planning. Finding a dependable place to buy your liquor license is an essential step before you move ahead. Liquor license specialists exist to help establishments either sell or buy a liquor license. If you think their services work for your specific situation, you should start looking for a trusted one now.

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