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Basic Tax Guide You Should Know

Taxes are the amounts paid to the government so that it can pay for public expenses. Thanks to these taxes, it is possible to finance public works such as roads, power stations, airports, etc. They also make it possible to cover the expenses invested in health, education, security, social assistance, etc.

Taxes are also used to pay the salaries of government officials and the entire public power, such as ministries, the armed forces, federal entities, and municipalities. In addition, part of the money collected is used to pay the public debt. The collection of taxes is the primary source of state income; without them, maintaining a country would not be possible.

Taxes are obligatory and are calculated as percentages. Both individuals and corporations must pay these taxes.

Natural persons, also known as individuals, are ordinary individuals, while legal entities, despite their name, are not individuals but incorporated companies.

Generally speaking, taxes can be classified as follows:

Progressive taxes.

As more income is taxed, higher average rates are paid.

The word progressive obeys the fact that the tax rate becomes progressively higher as taxable income increases. This relates primarily to income taxes

Federal income tax brackets are an example of progressive taxation.

The federal government uses marginal tax rates, subject to income within a particular economic bracket and income in a higher bracket at a higher rate.

A progressive income tax can also be referred to as a graduated income tax.

Regressive taxes. 

This is a method of taxation in which the more of your tax base you have subject to tax, the lower your average tax rate will be.

An example of a regressive tax is the Social Security tax, a payroll tax. All taxpayers must pay the Social Security tax.

The higher your income above that threshold, the lower the average rate you pay.

Proportional or flat taxes

A proportional tax is one in which you pay is in proportion to what you have or earn. It is also known as a flat tax.

For example, imagine you live in a state with a flat income tax of 5% so that each taxpayer will pay 5% of your income.

Through the flat tax, everyone pays a proportional amount of their income. Other types of taxes in the U.S. are related to profits, and you may pay them in your daily life.

As an entrepreneur, it is essential to understand local, state, and federal tax requirements. This will help you file your taxes accurately and make timely payments. The structure you choose when starting a business will determine what taxes you will pay and how you will pay them. A pragmatic solution can be found in tax technology for large systems or those who like to do things themselves.

Tax technology includes any software, program, platform, or digital tool that supports the digitization of tax processes and improves the work of tax professionals.

The use of tax technology ensures fair tax payments, manages tax risk, assesses the tax consequences of business activities, etc. This generates a more strategic and efficient tax practice; after all, no one wants to get in trouble with the IRS.

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