Getting a Palm Beach County liquor license in Florida is required if you want to start a business that involves storing or selling alcoholic beverages. Also, spirits and wine salesmen need to obtain a license. A liquor license in Florida must be obtained by any person or organization that wants to be engaged in businesses like manufacturing, blending, or rectifying spirits, manufacturing wine, manufacturing or brewing malt beverages, importing, as well as distributing, and selling alcoholic beverages. Commercial bottle clubs, as well as wine and spirits sales agents and brokers, must also obtain a liquor license.
Registering Alcohol Brands and Labels
Before beverages can be sold in the state of Florida, companies must register their brands with the Division of Alcohol Beverages and Tobacco. Entrepreneurs must submit a legible copy of each label being registered. Those who can register and manufacturers and authorized exclusive agents for spirits. Also, brands registered should be in containers that do not exceed 1.75 liters and 153 proof.
For wines, the manufacturer or the authorized exclusive agent can register the brand. Brands registered should be containers not exceed 1 gallon, unless that contains is reusable and can hold 4.16 gallons. However, if the sale is to another distributor or manufacturer, any size of containers is acceptable.
Businesses involved in the manufacturing of malt beverages must be registered to operate in Florida. Every brand needs to bear the word “Florida” or “FL” unless they are given an exemption. Registered brands need to be in containers not exceeding 32 ounces or in barrels, in a container, or kegs that hold at least 1 gallon.
Various Types of Retail Beverage Licenses
In Florida, below are the different types of beverage licenses that businesses can obtain:
- Beer package sales (1APS). This permits the sale of beer that will be consumed off-premises.
- Beer Consumption on Premises (1COP). This allows the sale of beer for on-premises consumption.
- Beer and wine package sales (2APS). This permits the sale of both wine and beer for off-premises consumption.
- Beer and Wine Consumption on Premises (2COP). This must be obtained for the sale of both wine and beer for on-premise consumption.
- Beer, wine and liquor package sales (3APS, 3BPS, 3CPS, 3DPS, 3PS). With this license, a business can sell wine, liquor or beer, for package sale only. It does not permit on premise consumption.
- Beer, wine and liquor consumption on premises (4COP, 5COP, 6COP, 7COP, 8COP). This includes quote licenses and some specialty licenses such as restaurants, hospitals, pleasure ships, bowling alleys, county commissions, airport lounges that owned by airlines, and hotels/motels.